Things to come in 2012
In 2012 Sitting the National CPC exam will not be possible. It will be replaced by a new joint exam which merges both National & International regulations into one. Novadata are putting on additional National CPC courses throughout 2011 to help those wishing to pass before that date.
Certificate of Professional Competence Training |
Management Training
2012 is the year of the first Driver CPC deadline, from January drivers who hold a PSV licence will only have 20 months to get their 35 hours of Periodic Training and freight drivers will nearly be halfway through their allotted time. To make it easier for drivers to get their 35 hours, Novadata will be running courses on Saturdays and Sundays.
Driver CPC Training |
Driver CPC Training (PCV)
Story By: Derek Broomfield Web Link: Email Link:
Date : 11-01-2011